Friday, February 20, 2015

Download Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK Full

Download Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK Full
Download Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK Full , Wrestling Revolution is n0w the biggest 3D wrestling sim IN and 0UT 0f the ring - featuring B0TH aspects 0f the business in 0NE shared universe f0r the first time ever! A wrestling career challenges y0u t0 take sh0ts in the ring, whereas a "b00king" career all0ws y0u t0 call the sh0ts backstage - pr0m0ting entertaining matches every week f0r ratings. Seeing each side 0f the curtain gives y0u an even better appreciati0n f0r the 0ther, and ensures y0u'll never gr0w b0red 0f wrestling again! B0th m0des are available t0 play f0r free, with the 0pti0n t0 upgrade t0 enj0y the "Pr0" experience with n0 ads 0r limitati0ns.

And if playing Pr0 isn't en0ugh, a separate "Backstage Pass" all0ws y0u t0 play G0d by saving y0ur changes t0 all 9 r0sters bef0re pitting y0ur imm0rtals against each 0ther in dream matches 0f y0ur 0wn creati0n! With 4 pages 0f rules t0 mix & match - including up t0 20 wrestlers in rings 0f any shape 0r size - the 0nly limit is y0ur imaginati0n. Y0u can als0 bl0w 0ff steam with n0 pressure by revisiting the 8 weeks 0f supercards fr0m the game's pr0m0ti0nal t0ur. N0t t0 menti0n the interactive training pr0cess that teaches y0u h0w t0 l0ck up in the first place.

The game features an interactive tut0rial that y0u are advised t0 play thr0ugh, but the basic c0ntr0ls are as f0ll0ws:
CURS0RS = M0vement (d0uble-tap t0 dash)
A = Attack (with a directi0n t0 aim high, with0ut t0 aim l0w)
G = Grapple
R = Run
P = Pick-Up / Dr0p (with a directi0n t0 thr0w)
T = Taunt / Pin / Referee duties
EYE = Change f0cus / Turn 0pp0nent ar0und
HEALTH METER = Switch character
CL0CK = Pause / Change camera angle

* This game is als0 c0mpatible with Andr0id c0ntr0llers such as NVidia Shield 0r M0GA Pr0 ("B" M0de).

Alth0ugh every eff0rt has been made t0 keep perf0rmance as high as p0ssible, s0me devices may benefit fr0m a visit t0 the 0pti0ns menu t0 fine tune the display:
- The number 0f characters is perhaps the biggest fact0r s0 c0nsider turning 0ff referees and setting a limit 0n the match size.
- If y0u d0n't want t0 sacrifice numbers, y0u can sacrifice p0lyg0ns instead and 0pt f0r "Basic" character m0dels (n0 fingers).
- The r0pes are surprisingly demanding and y0u may squeeze in an extra character if y0u make them "Static".
- Turning 0ff shad0ws and reducing cr0wd sprites may als0 help.

I regret that there's m0re t0 this game than I c0uld ever fit in an app st0re descripti0n, s0 please c0nsult the 0nline guides f0r further reading:

0r j0in the debate 0n s0cial meda:

* Please n0te that Wrestling Revolution depicts a fictiti0us universe and is n0t affiliated with any real wrestling pr0m0ti0ns.

What's New in Wrestling Revolution 3D v1.380
  • - Team names are now saved and restored properly.
  • - Releasing a choke hold no longer freezes the victim.
  • - More protection for an existing booking career during a wrestling career.
  • - Various other bug fixes.

DISCLAIMER: Wrestling Revolution 3D is the property and trademark from the developer MDickie, All rights reserved by MDickie.

Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.38 Trailer
Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.38 Walpaper

Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK 1

Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK 2

Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK 3

Download Wrestling Revolution 3D 1.380 APK Full
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