Friday, February 20, 2015

Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK

Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK
Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK , Special Lunar New Year Event with G00gle Play Game Pr0m0ti0n! A special gift will be given t0 all new users!

* Please update t0 the latest versi0n t0 av0id any issues in enj0ying the Career M0de.

Experience the m0st vivid game 0f g0lf ever!

Intr0ducing Golf Star™, the greatest g0lf game y0u’ll ever play, featuring realistic graphics, g0lfing techniques mastered by the pr0s, and a simulati0n p0wered by real physics-based gameplay. Play with g0lfers fr0m all 0ver the w0rld!

* D0wnl0ad and update with 3G/4G!
- Ab0ut 400MB 0f additi0nal d0wnl0ad
- At least 1.4GB needed t0 install

This game is free t0 play, but y0u can ch00se t0 pay real m0ney f0r extra items.

Y0u can play in English, 한국어, Deutsch, Français, P0rtuguês, Españ0l, 日本語, 中文简体, 0r 中文繁體.

* Golf Star supp0rts all tablet devices.

Stunning Graphics and True-t0-Life G0lf Physics!
- Golf Star features stunningly beautiful graphics unlike anything y0u've ever seen bef0re.
- Experience the exhilarati0n 0f being 0n a real g0lf c0urse!
- Terrain height, ball impact angle, wind, temperature, humidity, and up t0 70 0ther fact0rs implemented t0 perfectly capture the physics 0f a real swing.

Vari0us Skills and Techniques
- We’ve captured the skills and techniques 0f real-life pr0 g0lfers.
- Bec0me a pr0 g0lfer and ch00se fr0m up t0 10 techniques t0 use, including draw sh0ts, fade sh0ts, and chip sh0ts.

3 Different Game M0des
- Career M0de: Play Single Player r0unds and Quests, 0r c0mpete in the NPC T0urnament.
- 1:1 Match M0de: C0mpete against g0lfers fr0m all ar0und the w0rld.
- 0nline Match M0de: Play against up t0 10 0ther players 0nline in a real-time c0mpetiti0n. Sweep the 0nline c0mpetiti0n!

Weekly Rankings Against Friends
- Add friends t0 c0mpete against them.
- Climb t0 the t0p 0f the rankings t0 h0ld a tr0phy in y0ur arms!

G0lf T0urnaments!
- Play a new t0urnament every week and win prizes.
- Bec0me the w0rld’s greatest Pr0 G0lfer, and achieve the Grand Slam.

Unique Characters
- C0llect fun 0utfits and access0ries. With 3 different characters, y0u can sh0w 0ff y0ur unique style t0 friends.

What's New in Golf Star v2.2.10
Enjoy a round of golf with players from all over the world in Golf Star!
We've fixed up some minor bugs!
Check out our latest update, too!
New Content
1. New Sponsor System
2. New Item Mastery System
3. New Course (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
4. You can now play Golf Star in Spanish and Portuguese!
5. New Items (Mulligan Item, Putting Guide Pouch for beginners, Bridgestone Clubs & Club Bags, Winter Costumes)
Have feedback? Leave a review or drop us a line at
DISCLAIMER: Golf Star is the property and trademark from Com2uS, all rights reserved by Com2uS. Click on the above link to proceed to the apk file download page or app buy page.

Golf Star 2.2.10 Trailer
Golf Star 2.2.10 Walpaper
Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK 1

Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK 2

Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK 3
 Download Golf Star 2.2.10 APK
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