Sunday, February 8, 2015

Download PicMix 6.5.8 APK

Download PicMix 6.5.8 APK
Download PicMix 6.5.8 APK -The BEST and m0st FAM0US m0bile s0cial ph0t0 sharing applicati0n. J0in milli0ns 0f users w0rld-wide in PicMix c0mmunity n0w!-

PicMix 6.5

PicMix versi0n 6.5 is n0w available!! Update n0w and get m0re fun experiences 0n editing and sharing y0ur ph0t0s!

Please n0te that if y0u have any issues 0r difficulties when using PicMix, please refer t0 0ur FAQ page at 0r please send us an email t0 if y0u can't find what y0u're l00king f0r in the page. We will gladly help y0u t0 s0rt it 0ut.

What's new in this versi0n!
• Intr0ducing PicMix Ranks!
See user's ranks by tapping the badge next t0 the name!

• New P0pular Lay0ut
We make few tweaks here and there t0 0ptimize the space and make the pic bigger

• New N0tificati0ns Page
N0w y0u w0n't miss any n0tificati0ns 0n y0ur PicMix anym0re

• Intr0ducing @picmixmall
Get t0ns 0f best deal and special 0ffers fr0m brands f0r PicMix users here! (currently limited 0nly f0r Ind0nesia users)

• *EXCLUSIVE* K0dak ph0t0 service integrati0n
If y0u are l0cated in USA, y0u can n0w PRINT y0ur PicMix directly t0 nearest K0dak 0utlet! Access this feature fr0m My Pr0file secti0n.

• Perf0rmance impr0vements
Experience faster and sm00ther user experience in this versi0n


A picture is w0rth a th0usand w0rds, but multiple pictures in fancy frames, text capti0n and ph0t0 effects, is priceless. With PicMix, y0u can c0mbine y0ur fav0rite ph0t0s int0 a c0llage (pick fr0m template 0r even create y0ur very 0wn cust0m frames), adjust the ph0t0s, add text capti0n, finalize it with t0uch 0f fancy EFFECTS, and share it t0 y0ur friend 0n Faceb00k, Twitter, Path (new!) and even set it as y0ur BBM™ 0r Twitter pr0file pictures directly. Create a g00d pictures and grab a place at P0PULAR t0 bec0me PicMix celebrities. J0in the C0NTEST and win exclusive prizes! Start PicMixing n0w, its t0tally FREE and FUN!

We l0ve hearing fr0m y0u, 0ur bel0ved users s0 if y0u have any feedback, questi0ns 0r c0ncerns ab0ut PicMix, d0n't hesitate t0 let us kn0w:
* Supp0rt:

* Website :

0R f0ll0w us 0n s0cial media:


Have fun PicMixing!

What's New in PicMix v6.5.8
• To support #PicMixClean further, we have removed all mean to browse photo using hashtag, this include 'trending'
• Please be aware that posting inappropriate photos will result your account getting permanent ban and your phones blacklisted on our system so you will never be able to come back to PicMix.. just shoo... go away.
DISCLAIMER: PicMix is the property and trademark from the developer Inovidea Magna Global, All rights reserved by Inovidea Magna Global.
PicMix v6.5.8  Video Trailer
PicMix v6.5.8  Walpaper

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 Download PicMix 6.5.8 APK
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1 komentar:

  1. pro version bro try it
