Download Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 APK , Real Drift Car Racing full versi0n: https://play.g00gle.c0m/st0re/apps/details?id=c0m.realdrift.sip0n
With m0re than 6 milli0ns 0f fan players w0rldwide, Real Drift Car Racing is the m0st realistic 3D drift racing simulati0n 0n m0bile devices, and yet easy t0 c0ntr0l and fun t0 play thanks t0 an inn0vative drift helper.
Get ready t0 drive high perf0rmance cars (turb0 0r naturally aspirated) and make them drift at high speed in tracks designed specifically f0r drift racing.
Earn m0ney using y0ur racing skills and and use it t0 cust0mize y0ur car: b0dy c0l0r, rims m0del, rims c0l0r.
Race t0 battle the w0rld rec0rd 0f the 0nline leaderb0ard 0r just f0r fun in the new freeride m0de.
Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 FEATURES
• The m0st realistic 3D drift racing simulati0n 0n m0bile devices;
• Easy t0 c0ntr0l thanks t0 an inn0vative drift helper;
• Cust0mizable drift helper: fr0m full help t0 t0tal in y0ur c0ntr0l;
• Cust0mizable gameplay;
• Cust0mizable cars: y0u can change car b0dy c0l0r, rims m0del and rims c0l0r;
• Realistic simulati0n 0f all aspect (engine, drivetrain, tires, etc) 0f the car;
• Specific engine s0und f0r every car with turb0 whistle and bl0w 0ff valve;
• Backfire effects with s0unds;
• Accurate p0ints calculati0n: earn p0ints by drifting at high speed, at high drift angle and, f0r the first time, by light t0uching walls during a drift;
• 0nline and l0cal leaderb0ard t0 challenge y0ur friends and pe0ple all 0ver the w0rld;
• Big training track included t0 impr0ve y0ur drifting and racing skills;
• High quality 3D graphics;
• C00l dubstep s0undtrack by Liquid Stranger and Simplify Rec0rdings.
• N0 adverts;
• 8 new drift racing tracks;
• 6 new p0werful cars with specific and realistic setup;
• New challenging career m0de with 15 champi0nships with gr0wing difficulty.
• Acceler0meter (gyr0sc0pe) 0r t0uch steering m0de;
• Slider 0r t0uch thr0ttle;
• Aut0matic 0r manual transmissi0n;
• Metric 0r Imperial units 0f measurement;
P0ints gr0w pr0p0rti0nally t0 drift angle, drift time and speed.
There are als0 2 different p0ints multiplier: "Drift C0mb0" multiplier and "Pr0ximity" multiplier.
Drift C0mb0 multiplier is increased by 1 whenever p0ints reach a p0wer 0f 2000 (1000, 2000,4000, 8000 etc.). If y0u change drift directi0n, p0ints are added t0 T0tal P0ints Indicat0r (l0cated in the t0p left 0f the screen) and reset. If p0ints reach every multiple 0f 2000 again, Drift C0mb0 is increased by 1 again. This w0rks 0nly if y0u keep drifting with0ut t00 l0ng interrupti0ns between 0ne drift and the 0ther (less than 1 sec0nd), 0therwise Drift C0mb0 multiplier will be reset t0 1.
Pr0ximity multiplier is increased when y0u drift with the back 0f the car near a wall (less than 1.5 meters) pr0p0rti0nally t0 cl0seness. Y0u'll n0tice this b0nus with a sl0w m0ti0n effect and a text sh0wing the multiplier fact0r.
If y0u hit anything y0u'll l0se y0ur partial p0ints and all multipliers.
• precise l0cati0n (GPS and netw0rk-based)
Used t0 l0cate player nati0nality (sh0wn in the leaderb0ard).
• m0dify 0r delete the c0ntents 0f y0ur USB st0rage
• test access t0 pr0tected st0rage
Used t0 save player pr0file data.
Wi-Fi c0nnecti0n inf0rmati0n
• view Wi-Fi c0nnecti0ns
Used t0 send player sc0res t0 leaderb0ard server.
We will update and impr0ve Real Drift c0nstantly. Please rate and give y0ur feedback f0r further impr0vement 0f the game.
PS: if y0u experience crashes during app l0ading, please n0tice that 90% 0f the times this is due t0 l0w free mem0ry (RAM, n0t disk space). Firstly, try restarting y0ur device. if the pr0blem persists, try freeing s0me mem0ry by st0pping s0me backgr0und pr0cess (like Skype and Faceb00k that are very RAM hungry).
What's New in Real Drift Car Racing Free v2.5
With m0re than 6 milli0ns 0f fan players w0rldwide, Real Drift Car Racing is the m0st realistic 3D drift racing simulati0n 0n m0bile devices, and yet easy t0 c0ntr0l and fun t0 play thanks t0 an inn0vative drift helper.
Get ready t0 drive high perf0rmance cars (turb0 0r naturally aspirated) and make them drift at high speed in tracks designed specifically f0r drift racing.
Earn m0ney using y0ur racing skills and and use it t0 cust0mize y0ur car: b0dy c0l0r, rims m0del, rims c0l0r.
Race t0 battle the w0rld rec0rd 0f the 0nline leaderb0ard 0r just f0r fun in the new freeride m0de.
Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 FEATURES
• The m0st realistic 3D drift racing simulati0n 0n m0bile devices;
• Easy t0 c0ntr0l thanks t0 an inn0vative drift helper;
• Cust0mizable drift helper: fr0m full help t0 t0tal in y0ur c0ntr0l;
• Cust0mizable gameplay;
• Cust0mizable cars: y0u can change car b0dy c0l0r, rims m0del and rims c0l0r;
• Realistic simulati0n 0f all aspect (engine, drivetrain, tires, etc) 0f the car;
• Specific engine s0und f0r every car with turb0 whistle and bl0w 0ff valve;
• Backfire effects with s0unds;
• Accurate p0ints calculati0n: earn p0ints by drifting at high speed, at high drift angle and, f0r the first time, by light t0uching walls during a drift;
• 0nline and l0cal leaderb0ard t0 challenge y0ur friends and pe0ple all 0ver the w0rld;
• Big training track included t0 impr0ve y0ur drifting and racing skills;
• High quality 3D graphics;
• C00l dubstep s0undtrack by Liquid Stranger and Simplify Rec0rdings.
• N0 adverts;
• 8 new drift racing tracks;
• 6 new p0werful cars with specific and realistic setup;
• New challenging career m0de with 15 champi0nships with gr0wing difficulty.
• Acceler0meter (gyr0sc0pe) 0r t0uch steering m0de;
• Slider 0r t0uch thr0ttle;
• Aut0matic 0r manual transmissi0n;
• Metric 0r Imperial units 0f measurement;
P0ints gr0w pr0p0rti0nally t0 drift angle, drift time and speed.
There are als0 2 different p0ints multiplier: "Drift C0mb0" multiplier and "Pr0ximity" multiplier.
Drift C0mb0 multiplier is increased by 1 whenever p0ints reach a p0wer 0f 2000 (1000, 2000,4000, 8000 etc.). If y0u change drift directi0n, p0ints are added t0 T0tal P0ints Indicat0r (l0cated in the t0p left 0f the screen) and reset. If p0ints reach every multiple 0f 2000 again, Drift C0mb0 is increased by 1 again. This w0rks 0nly if y0u keep drifting with0ut t00 l0ng interrupti0ns between 0ne drift and the 0ther (less than 1 sec0nd), 0therwise Drift C0mb0 multiplier will be reset t0 1.
Pr0ximity multiplier is increased when y0u drift with the back 0f the car near a wall (less than 1.5 meters) pr0p0rti0nally t0 cl0seness. Y0u'll n0tice this b0nus with a sl0w m0ti0n effect and a text sh0wing the multiplier fact0r.
If y0u hit anything y0u'll l0se y0ur partial p0ints and all multipliers.
• precise l0cati0n (GPS and netw0rk-based)
Used t0 l0cate player nati0nality (sh0wn in the leaderb0ard).
• m0dify 0r delete the c0ntents 0f y0ur USB st0rage
• test access t0 pr0tected st0rage
Used t0 save player pr0file data.
Wi-Fi c0nnecti0n inf0rmati0n
• view Wi-Fi c0nnecti0ns
Used t0 send player sc0res t0 leaderb0ard server.
We will update and impr0ve Real Drift c0nstantly. Please rate and give y0ur feedback f0r further impr0vement 0f the game.
PS: if y0u experience crashes during app l0ading, please n0tice that 90% 0f the times this is due t0 l0w free mem0ry (RAM, n0t disk space). Firstly, try restarting y0ur device. if the pr0blem persists, try freeing s0me mem0ry by st0pping s0me backgr0und pr0cess (like Skype and Faceb00k that are very RAM hungry).
What's New in Real Drift Car Racing Free v2.5
- improved leaderboard: now is possible to scroll using a scroll bar too;
- fixed an issue with leaderboard: if the leaderboard contains less than 50 entries now clicking on next page works correctly;
- fixed an issue that caused flickering of the car shadow.
DISCLAIMER: Real Drift Car Racing Free is the property and trademark
from the developer RealGames, All rights reserved by RealGames.
Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 Trailer
Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 Walpaper
Download Real Drift Car Racing Free 2.5 APK
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