Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full

Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full
Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full , Castle TD: The best strategy/arcade castle defense ever!

C0mmander, 0ur w0rld is in great danger which we’ve never faced! N0t 0nly 0rcs, but als0 g0blins, spirits, devils and 0ther m0nster are trying t0 destr0y us! Build y0ur defense and st0p them n0w!

Mighty Warri0rs:
Y0u can ch00se wizard, paladin 0r barbarian as y0ur warri0r and depl0y them t0 the battlefield. With advanced equipment, they can st0p 0r kill enemies 0n their 0wn.

Fantastic Pr0ps:
There are 4 fantastic pr0ps f0r y0u. They can be g00d 0pti0ns n0 matter y0u want t0 destr0y all enemies 0r just heal y0urself.

P0werful T0wers:
There are 4 basic t0wers which can be devel0ped int0 8 premier t0wers. Different appearance, different functi0ns and different c0mbinati0ns all under y0ur c0ntr0l!

Epic Graphics:
All 15 maps are hand-drawn cart00n style and perfect f0r high definiti0n screen. With numer0us effects, we are g0ing t0 present y0u s0 many fierce war fields.

Missi0n M0de:
15 challenging levels, different ways 0f playing, gathering, pr0tecting, attacking and m0re!

Arena M0de:
C0mpete with milli0ns 0f players 0ver the w0rld. And th0usands 0f runes t0 b00st y0ur perf0rmance.

Castle Defense 1.5.5 Features:
.3 unique warri0rs including wizard, paladin & barbarian
.4 g0rge0us pr0ps which help y0u turning defeat int0 vict0ry
.12 p0werful t0wers
.15 epic battlefields
.20+ m0nsters
.30+ achievements
.100+ challenging levels
.And m0re…

*** Supp0rts all Andr0id tablet devices. ***

App permissi0ns
N0tes: we ask READ_PH0NE_STATE App Permissi0n t0 get the unique ID f0r st0ring game data.

. If y0u can't play arena m0de, 0pen sdcard, enter castleTD, rem0ve 'arena' direct0ry, and try again.

. If the game crashes when l0ading level in hard m0de:
The pr0blem is that y0ur ph0ne has l0w mem0ry.
We'll try t0 impr0ve it, but I can't make a pr0mise. Because the game needs t0 l0ad m0re pictures than n0rmal m0de .

Here is an0ther pe0ple's reply, he has the same pr0blem bef0re:
Yes y0u are c0mpletely right! Cleared s0me ram and I just played and beat hard 14-3 I will find a way t0 clear m0re ram 0n my ph0ne! Cheers if y0u can get s0me time t0 reduce the mem0ry required t0 play a level that w0uld be awes0me! I think I might be able t0 c0mplete hard m0de n0w!!
Thank y0u f0r y0ur help! :-)

. Any pr0blem, please feel free t0 c0ntact us: b0x2dgame@gmail.c0m

What's New in Castle Defense v1.5.5
. Fixed crash bug for Android 2.3.x
. *Max Life* can now be upgraded to level 25 (before was 20)
. *Fire Magic* can now be upgraded to level 30 (before was 25)
DISCLAIMER: Castle Defense is the property and trademark from the developer Elite Games, All rights reserved by Elite Games.
Castle Defense 1.5.5 Game Trailer

Castle Defense 1.5.5 GameWalpaper
Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full 1

Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full 2

Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full 3
Download Castle Defense 1.5.5 APK Full
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