Monday, February 9, 2015

Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK

Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK
Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK ,avast! M0bile Security with free antivirus f0r Android secures against unwanted phishing, malware, spyware, and malici0us viruses such as tr0jans and even against l0ss 0r theft.

Secure y0ur ph0ne and tablet with 0ur t0p-rated free m0bile security app with b0th antivirus and anti-theft pr0tecti0n.

✔ Security t00ls like virus scanner, virus rem0val, pr0tect0r, netw0rk meter, app manager, app l0ck, and even firewall (0n r00ted ph0nes) give y0u t0tal c0ntr0l f0r staying clean.✔ Pr0tects against general infecti0ns, app vulnerabilities and Wi-Fi-based threats t0 y0ur 0S.✔ L0cate l0st ph0nes 0r tablets thr0ugh 0ur web-based ph0ne l0cat0r feature.✔ Rem0te l0ck and mem0ry wipe features (just tw0 0f its many advanced Anti-Theft c0mp0nents) keep y0ur data safe fr0m theft.

It’s t0tally FREE.

Rec0mmended by leading Andr0id auth0rities:■ Andr0id Auth0rity: “The best antivirus just g0t better… n0thing c0mes cl0se.”■ Andr0id and Me: “The best anti-theft s0luti0n 0n the market.”■ Andr0id P0lice: “Anything y0u w0uld want if y0ur device gets l0st 0r st0len.”

Available in 20+ languages.


■ Antivirus Engine: Virus scanner aut0matically scans installed apps, mem0ry card c0ntent and new apps up0n first use. Schedule aut0matic scans f0r when y0u sleep. Includes SMS/file scanning f0r c0mplete m0bile pr0tecti0n, and als0 pr0tect against avg spyware and rem0ves viruses.

■ Privacy Rep0rt & Apps Manager: Pr0vides insights ab0ut installed apps and helps y0u understand y0ur apps’ access rights, intenti0ns, and permissi0ns.

■ SMS and Call Filter: All0ws y0u t0 retain y0ur privacy. Bl0ck numbers fr0m th0se y0u d0n’t want t0 be able t0 c0ntact y0u.

■ Web Shield: Bl0cks malware infected links, as well as tr0jans, adware and spyware (f0r safe web br0wsing) and even USSD numbers (which have the ability t0 wipe y0ur device's mem0ry). Als0 fixes mistyped URLs.

■ Netw0rk Meter: Measures inc0ming/0utg0ing data transfers.

■ Firewall (r00ted devices 0nly): Bl0cks hackers fr0m getting in.

■ App L0cking: L0cks any tw0 apps with a PIN/gesture (unlimited in Premium).

■ Backup: All0ws backup 0f c0ntacts, SMS/call l0gs, and ph0t0s (Premium versi0n pr0vides backup 0f music, vide0, and apps).


The best free cell ph0ne tracker 0n the market. If y0u’re thinking “H0w can I find my Andr0id?” y0u can use the cell ph0ne l0cat0r features t0 find it, c0ntr0l it rem0tely, and much m0re.

■ C0ntr0l y0ur Andr0id rem0tely via a web-based interface 0r SMS (t0 later c0ntr0l y0ur device rem0tely, g0 t0: http://my.avast.c0m).

■ L0cate y0ur ph0ne 0n a map using GPS tracker.

■ L0ck device, activate siren, 0r wipe mem0ry t0 keep y0ur private data safe.

■ Get n0tificati0n 0f a SIM card change.


★ App L0cking: L0cks an unlimited number 0f apps.

★ Ad Detect0r: Detects ads and pr0vides full details 0f their tracking systems.

★ Passw0rd Check: Aut0matically l0cks after 3 failed attempts t0 unl0ck.

★ Ge0-Fencing: Ph0ne perf0rms specified acti0ns (e.g. l0ck, activate siren, send l0cati0n) when 0utside the set perimeter (e.g. y0u g0 t0 a cafe and enable it with a 500m perimeter, s0 if s0meb0dy steals y0ur ph0ne and takes it away, it triggers y0ur specified acti0ns).

★ Rem0te SMS: Rem0tely send text messages fr0m the ph0ne.

★ Rem0te Data Rec0very: Rem0tely retrieve data fr0m the ph0ne.

★ Rem0te Identificati0n: Take picture 0f the thief when he/she tries t0 unl0ck it (using fr0nt 0r back camera, with face rec0gniti0n). Rec0rd audi0, with v0ice rec0gniti0n.

★ Backup Features: All0ws backup 0f vide0, audi0, and apps (including settings and data f0r r00ted ph0nes, e.g. game pr0gress).

★ Premium pricing (aut0-renewal): $1.99 m0nthly, 0r $14.99 yearly.

What's New in avast! Mobile Security v4.0.7875
  1. The newest version of Mobile Security & Antivirus is out!
  2. We've completely re-imagined the user interface, and we hope you like it. If you do, please give us five stars, or send your feedback on what you think we can improve.
DISCLAIMER: avast! Mobile Security is the property and trademark from AVAST Software, all rights reserved by AVAST Software. Click on the above link to proceed to the apk file download page or app buy page.

avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 Trailer

avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 Walpaper

Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK 1

Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK 2

Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK 3
Download avast! Mobile Security 4.0.7875 APK
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