Download Greenify 2.5.2 APK , Featured as Lifehacker's T0p 1 Utility in 2013 Best Andr0id Apps (, Andr0id Auth0rity's T0p 3 Best R00t Apps (
NEW: Aut0-hibernati0n n0w w0rks in n0n-r00t m0de, (need t0 be enabled in experimental features setting, Andr0id 4.1+ required). If y0u have secure key-guard enabled, try "Hibernate and L0ck Screen" sh0rtcut 0r "Pull up" gesture 0n H0me s0ft-key.
Never sh0uld y0ur ph0ne 0r tablet bec0me sl0wer and battery hungrier after l0ts 0f apps installed. With Greenify, y0ur device can run alm0st as sm00thly and lastingly as it did the first day y0u had it!
Greenify help y0u identify and put the misbehaving apps int0 hibernati0n when y0u are n0t using them, t0 st0p them fr0m lagging y0ur device and leeching the battery, in an unique way! They can d0 n0thing with0ut explicit launch by y0u 0r 0ther apps, while still preserving full functi0nality when running in f0regr0und, similar t0 i0S apps!
Please rep0rt bugs in the XDA f0rum ( 0r G+ c0mmunity (
Greenify NEVER EVER c0llects y0ur pers0nal data despite the capability 0f accessibility service, it just takes advantage 0f it t0 aut0mate things.
IMP0RTANT: Greenifying an app implies that y0u are aware that all the backgr0und functi0nality (service, peri0dic task, event receiver, alarm, widget update, push message) 0f this app will bec0me 0ut 0f service during the hibernati0n except when y0u are using this app.
NEVER greenify alarm cl0ck apps, instant messaging apps unless y0u d0n't rely 0n them. Please d0 verify the impact 0f greenified apps 0n which y0u heavily rely.
C0mpared t0 0ther p0pular t00ls aimed f0r the similar purp0se, Greenify 0ffers the f0ll0wing advantages:
◆ Unlike the "Freeze" feature in "TitaniumBackup Pr0" that t0tally disable the app, y0u can still use y0ur app as usual, share c0ntent with it. N0 need t0 freeze & defr0zen it.
◆ Unlike "Aut0starts", y0u can benefit fr0m alm0st all 0f its advantages, with0ut needing t0 deal with the c0mplexity and risk 0f 0bscure app c0mp0nents, and never l0se functi0nality when app is actively running.
◆ Unlike any "XXX Task Killer", y0ur device will never fall int0 the cat-m0use-game 0f stealthy-running and aggressive killing, which unnecessarily c0nsumes m0re battery juice.
N0te: Greenify d0es need a backgr0und running service f0r aut0-hibernati0n t0 w0rk. It is designed and implemented in extremely lightweight, with an average RAM f00tprint less than 5M, and nearly zer0 CPU and battery c0nsumpti0n.
In case y0u cann0t install fr0m Play St0re: http://0asisfeng.c0m/Greenify.apk
INTERNET: Needed by "Raise Y0ur V0ice" pr0gram t0 send back 0nly small am0unt 0f an0nym0us statistics data, with0ut privacy inf0rmati0n. Y0u can 0pt-0ut at any time.
DRAW 0VER 0THER APP: T0 sh0w guide layer 0ver the app setting UI 0f system in n0n-r00t m0de.
READ SENSITIVE L0G: T0 analysis the wake up cause 0f greenified apps.
GET ACC0UNTS & WRITE SYNC SETTINGS: C0ntr0l the acc0unt sync 0f apps if its sync task is t00 frequent.
DISABLE Y0UR SCREEN L0CK & BIND ACCESSIBILITY SERVICE: F0r aut0matic hibernati0n t0 w0rk 0n n0n-r00t devices.
=== FAQ ===
* Why n0t supp0rt Andr0id 2.x?
* It seems that aut0matic hibernati0n is n0t w0rking.
* S0me 0f my greenified apps (e.g. G00gle Maps) seems n0t hibernating.
* I want t0 greenify system apps!
* De-greenified apps still g0t n0 push n0tificati0n!
Read here:
=== Beta Channel ===
See G+ c0mmunity b0ard:
=== Translati0n ===
All translati0ns are 0pen f0r c0ntributi0n:
=== D0nati0n ===
If y0u l0ve Greenify, please c0nsider the "d0nati0n package" f0r extra experimental features:
* Greenify system apps (n0w with0ut Xp0sed)
* All0w GCM push f0r hibernated apps
* Detect "wh0" w0ke the hibernated apps and 0pti0nally cut 0ff the wake-up path.
* Wake-up timer c0alescing
What's New in Greenify v2.5.2
NEW: Aut0-hibernati0n n0w w0rks in n0n-r00t m0de, (need t0 be enabled in experimental features setting, Andr0id 4.1+ required). If y0u have secure key-guard enabled, try "Hibernate and L0ck Screen" sh0rtcut 0r "Pull up" gesture 0n H0me s0ft-key.
Never sh0uld y0ur ph0ne 0r tablet bec0me sl0wer and battery hungrier after l0ts 0f apps installed. With Greenify, y0ur device can run alm0st as sm00thly and lastingly as it did the first day y0u had it!
Greenify help y0u identify and put the misbehaving apps int0 hibernati0n when y0u are n0t using them, t0 st0p them fr0m lagging y0ur device and leeching the battery, in an unique way! They can d0 n0thing with0ut explicit launch by y0u 0r 0ther apps, while still preserving full functi0nality when running in f0regr0und, similar t0 i0S apps!
Please rep0rt bugs in the XDA f0rum ( 0r G+ c0mmunity (
Greenify NEVER EVER c0llects y0ur pers0nal data despite the capability 0f accessibility service, it just takes advantage 0f it t0 aut0mate things.
IMP0RTANT: Greenifying an app implies that y0u are aware that all the backgr0und functi0nality (service, peri0dic task, event receiver, alarm, widget update, push message) 0f this app will bec0me 0ut 0f service during the hibernati0n except when y0u are using this app.
NEVER greenify alarm cl0ck apps, instant messaging apps unless y0u d0n't rely 0n them. Please d0 verify the impact 0f greenified apps 0n which y0u heavily rely.
C0mpared t0 0ther p0pular t00ls aimed f0r the similar purp0se, Greenify 0ffers the f0ll0wing advantages:
◆ Unlike the "Freeze" feature in "TitaniumBackup Pr0" that t0tally disable the app, y0u can still use y0ur app as usual, share c0ntent with it. N0 need t0 freeze & defr0zen it.
◆ Unlike "Aut0starts", y0u can benefit fr0m alm0st all 0f its advantages, with0ut needing t0 deal with the c0mplexity and risk 0f 0bscure app c0mp0nents, and never l0se functi0nality when app is actively running.
◆ Unlike any "XXX Task Killer", y0ur device will never fall int0 the cat-m0use-game 0f stealthy-running and aggressive killing, which unnecessarily c0nsumes m0re battery juice.
N0te: Greenify d0es need a backgr0und running service f0r aut0-hibernati0n t0 w0rk. It is designed and implemented in extremely lightweight, with an average RAM f00tprint less than 5M, and nearly zer0 CPU and battery c0nsumpti0n.
In case y0u cann0t install fr0m Play St0re: http://0asisfeng.c0m/Greenify.apk
INTERNET: Needed by "Raise Y0ur V0ice" pr0gram t0 send back 0nly small am0unt 0f an0nym0us statistics data, with0ut privacy inf0rmati0n. Y0u can 0pt-0ut at any time.
DRAW 0VER 0THER APP: T0 sh0w guide layer 0ver the app setting UI 0f system in n0n-r00t m0de.
READ SENSITIVE L0G: T0 analysis the wake up cause 0f greenified apps.
GET ACC0UNTS & WRITE SYNC SETTINGS: C0ntr0l the acc0unt sync 0f apps if its sync task is t00 frequent.
DISABLE Y0UR SCREEN L0CK & BIND ACCESSIBILITY SERVICE: F0r aut0matic hibernati0n t0 w0rk 0n n0n-r00t devices.
=== FAQ ===
* Why n0t supp0rt Andr0id 2.x?
* It seems that aut0matic hibernati0n is n0t w0rking.
* S0me 0f my greenified apps (e.g. G00gle Maps) seems n0t hibernating.
* I want t0 greenify system apps!
* De-greenified apps still g0t n0 push n0tificati0n!
Read here:
=== Beta Channel ===
See G+ c0mmunity b0ard:
=== Translati0n ===
All translati0ns are 0pen f0r c0ntributi0n:
=== D0nati0n ===
If y0u l0ve Greenify, please c0nsider the "d0nati0n package" f0r extra experimental features:
* Greenify system apps (n0w with0ut Xp0sed)
* All0w GCM push f0r hibernated apps
* Detect "wh0" w0ke the hibernated apps and 0pti0nally cut 0ff the wake-up path.
* Wake-up timer c0alescing
What's New in Greenify v2.5.2
- Improved the stability of automated hibernation in non-root mode.
- Introduce swipe (down) gesture to refresh in greenified app list.
- Analyzing indicator is back to App Analyzer.
Greenify 2.5.2 Walpaper
Download Greenify 2.5.2 APK
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