Download Nova Launcher 3.3 APK , Accept n0 substitutes! Nova Launcher is the 0riginal and m0st p0lished cust0mizable launcher f0r m0dern Andr0id
Nova Launcher replaces y0ur h0me screen with 0ne y0u c0ntr0l and can cust0mize. Change ic0n themes, c0l0rs, lay0uts, animati0ns and m0re.
Reviewers l0ve Nova Launcher and y0u will t00
F0r my m0ney, Nova Launcher is the best 0f the A0SP-style launchers available in Andr0id. --Andr0id P0lice
Nova Launcher has s0me very capable hands behind it --Phandr0id
0ur fav0rite is N0va Launcher, which strikes a great perfect balance between incredible perf0rmance and high cust0mizability with0ut getting t00 gimmicky and difficult t0 use --Lifehacker
Ch0ck full 0f features y0u w0n't find in the st0ck launcher, and c0mes highly rec0mmended --Andr0id Central
• 0k, G00gle - Use G00gle Search's h0tw0rd right fr0m the h0me screen, just say the w0rds 0k, G00gle. N0te: G00gle d0es n0t supp0rt all devices 0r l0cales yet. This limitait0n applies t0 N0va Launcher as well.
• C0l0r Theme - Set the highlight accent c0l0r f0r the launcher
Als0 individual C0l0r c0ntr0ls f0r labels, f0lders, unread c0unt badges, drawer tabs and backgr0und
• Ic0n Themes - Find th0usands 0f ic0n themes f0r Nova Launcher 0n the Play St0re
• Subgrid p0siti0ning - Much greater c0ntr0l than standard launchers, N0va Launcher all0ws y0u t0 snap ic0ns 0r widgets half way thr0ugh the deskt0p grid cells
• Cust0mize App Drawer - Cust0m tabs, Vertical 0r H0riz0ntal scr0lling, Cust0m effects
• Infinite scr0ll - Never far fr0m y0ur fav0rite page, l00p thr0ugh the deskt0p 0r drawer c0ntin0usly
• Backup/Rest0re - S0phisticated backup/rest0re system all0wing y0u t0 backup y0ur deskt0p lay0ut and launcher settings
• Scr0llable D0ck - Create multiple d0cks and scr0ll between them
• Widgets in d0ck - Place any widget in y0ur d0ck, such as a 4x1 music player widget
• Imp0rt Lay0ut - N0 need t0 rebuild y0ur deskt0p fr0m scratch, N0va Launcher can imp0rt fr0m m0st p0pular launchers. Including the 0ne that came with y0ur ph0ne.
• Fast - N0va Launcher is highly 0ptimized t0 d0 it's w0rk quickly and quietly, keeping the animati0ns sm00th and letting y0u use y0ur ph0ne as fast as y0u can m0ve y0ur fingers.
Nova Launcher Prime
Unl0ck the f0ll0wing extras by purchasing N0va Launcher Prime
• Gestures - Swipe, pinch, d0uble tap and m0re 0n the h0me screen t0 0pen y0ur fav0rite apps
• Unread C0unts - Never miss a message. Unread c0unt badges f0r Hang0uts, SMS, Gmail and m0re using the TeslaUnread plugin
• Cust0m Drawer Gr0ups - Create new tabs 0r f0lders in the app drawer
• Hide Apps - Keep a clean app drawer by hiding never used apps
• Ic0n Swipes - Set cust0m acti0ns f0r swiping 0n app sh0rtcuts 0r f0lders
• M0re scr0ll effects - Such as Wipe, Acc0rdi0n, and Thr0w
What's New in Nova Launcher v3.3
Nova Launcher replaces y0ur h0me screen with 0ne y0u c0ntr0l and can cust0mize. Change ic0n themes, c0l0rs, lay0uts, animati0ns and m0re.
Reviewers l0ve Nova Launcher and y0u will t00
F0r my m0ney, Nova Launcher is the best 0f the A0SP-style launchers available in Andr0id. --Andr0id P0lice
Nova Launcher has s0me very capable hands behind it --Phandr0id
0ur fav0rite is N0va Launcher, which strikes a great perfect balance between incredible perf0rmance and high cust0mizability with0ut getting t00 gimmicky and difficult t0 use --Lifehacker
Ch0ck full 0f features y0u w0n't find in the st0ck launcher, and c0mes highly rec0mmended --Andr0id Central
• 0k, G00gle - Use G00gle Search's h0tw0rd right fr0m the h0me screen, just say the w0rds 0k, G00gle. N0te: G00gle d0es n0t supp0rt all devices 0r l0cales yet. This limitait0n applies t0 N0va Launcher as well.
• C0l0r Theme - Set the highlight accent c0l0r f0r the launcher
Als0 individual C0l0r c0ntr0ls f0r labels, f0lders, unread c0unt badges, drawer tabs and backgr0und
• Ic0n Themes - Find th0usands 0f ic0n themes f0r Nova Launcher 0n the Play St0re
• Subgrid p0siti0ning - Much greater c0ntr0l than standard launchers, N0va Launcher all0ws y0u t0 snap ic0ns 0r widgets half way thr0ugh the deskt0p grid cells
• Cust0mize App Drawer - Cust0m tabs, Vertical 0r H0riz0ntal scr0lling, Cust0m effects
• Infinite scr0ll - Never far fr0m y0ur fav0rite page, l00p thr0ugh the deskt0p 0r drawer c0ntin0usly
• Backup/Rest0re - S0phisticated backup/rest0re system all0wing y0u t0 backup y0ur deskt0p lay0ut and launcher settings
• Scr0llable D0ck - Create multiple d0cks and scr0ll between them
• Widgets in d0ck - Place any widget in y0ur d0ck, such as a 4x1 music player widget
• Imp0rt Lay0ut - N0 need t0 rebuild y0ur deskt0p fr0m scratch, N0va Launcher can imp0rt fr0m m0st p0pular launchers. Including the 0ne that came with y0ur ph0ne.
• Fast - N0va Launcher is highly 0ptimized t0 d0 it's w0rk quickly and quietly, keeping the animati0ns sm00th and letting y0u use y0ur ph0ne as fast as y0u can m0ve y0ur fingers.
Nova Launcher Prime
Unl0ck the f0ll0wing extras by purchasing N0va Launcher Prime
• Gestures - Swipe, pinch, d0uble tap and m0re 0n the h0me screen t0 0pen y0ur fav0rite apps
• Unread C0unts - Never miss a message. Unread c0unt badges f0r Hang0uts, SMS, Gmail and m0re using the TeslaUnread plugin
• Cust0m Drawer Gr0ups - Create new tabs 0r f0lders in the app drawer
• Hide Apps - Keep a clean app drawer by hiding never used apps
• Ic0n Swipes - Set cust0m acti0ns f0r swiping 0n app sh0rtcuts 0r f0lders
• M0re scr0ll effects - Such as Wipe, Acc0rdi0n, and Thr0w
What's New in Nova Launcher v3.3
- Lollipop style drawer (Settings - Drawer - Show Pages as Cards)
- Renamed old Circle animation to Circle Wipe, new Lollipops style Circle animation
- Fixes and optimizations
DISCLAIMER: Nova Launcher is the property and trademark from the
developer TeslaCoil Software, All rights reserved by TeslaCoil Software.
Nova Launcher 3.3 Walpaper
Download Nova Launcher 3.3 APK
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