Monday, February 9, 2015

Download ES File Explorer APK

Download ES File Explorer APK
Download ES File Explorer APK , ES, 300 milli0ns gl0bal d0wnl0ads, file manager trend leader 0n Andr0id!

Rated as 0ne 0f best res0urce management t00ls 0n Andr0id market.

ES File Explorer is a free, full-featured file and applicati0n manager.
It functi0ns as all 0f these apps in 0ne: file manager, applicati0n manager, task killer, d0wnl0ad manager, cl0ud st0rage client (c0mpatible with Dr0pb0x, G00gle Drive, SkyDrive,, Sugarsync, Yandex, Amaz0n S3, and Ubuntu 0ne...), FTP client, and LAN Samba client.
It pr0vides access t0 pictures, music, vide0, d0cuments, and 0ther files 0n b0th y0ur Andr0id devices and y0ur c0mputers.

ES File Expl0rer all0ws Andr0id users, n0 matter where they are, t0 manage their res0urces freely. Y0u can access all 0f y0ur files fr0m y0ur m0bile device and share them with 0thers. This app makes it easy t0 stay c0nnected 0ver 3G, 4G, EDGE, 0r Wi-Fi t0 share with friends, upl0ad ph0t0s, and watch vide0s.

ES File Expl0rer 3.0 currently supp0rts 30+ languages:
English, Russian, Japanese, K0rea, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Tamil, Catalan, Turkish, Lithuanian, P0rtuguese...

This standard versi0n is f0r Android 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1,4.2 and 4.4. Android 1.5 ~ 2.0 users, please use ES File Expl0rer Cupcake.

Y0u can download 0lder versi0n fr0m 0ur 0fficial website.Classic Theme can be d0wnl0aded 0n G00gle Play.

Features List:
* File Manager – Manage y0ur files like y0u d0 0n y0ur deskt0p 0r lapt0p using Multiple Select, Cut/C0py/Paste, M0ve, Create, Delete, Rename, Search, Share, Send, Hide, Create Sh0rtcut, and B00kmark; 0perati0ns can be perf0rmed 0n l0cal files (0n Andr0id device) 0r rem0tely (0n y0ur c0mputer)

* Applicati0n Manager – categ0rize, uninstall, backup, and create sh0rtcuts t0 y0ur apps

* Rem0te File Manager – when enabled, manage files 0n y0ur ph0ne fr0m y0ur c0mputer

* Built-in ZIP and RAR supp0rt all0ws y0u t0 c0mpress and dec0mpress ZIP files, unpack RAR files, and create encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files

* Built-in viewers and players f0r vari0us file types, including ph0t0s, music, and vide0s; supp0rts third-party applicati0ns, such as Quick 0ffice, f0r 0pening 0thers

* Sh0ws thumbnails f0r APKs and images

* Text viewers and edit0rs

* Access y0ur h0me PC via WiFi with SMB

* Functi0ns as y0ur FTP and WebDAV client. Manage files 0n FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and WebDAV servers just like y0u manage files 0n y0ur SD card

* Supp0rts Dr0pb0x,, Sugarsync, G00gle Drive (G00gle D0cs is n0w a part 0f G00gle Drive), SkyDrive, Amaz0n S3, Yandex and m0re.
ES File Expl0rer is an enhanced cl0ud st0rage client with m0re functi0ns than the 0fficial versi0ns,
it can save ph0t0s, vide0s, and 0ther files t0 y0ur internet drives and share them with 0thers.

* Bluet00th file br0wser Y0u can c0py and paste files between Bluet00th ready devices. It supp0rts 0BEX FTP f0r br0wsing devices and transferring files between Bluet00th devices.

* Kill tasks with a single click, increase mem0ry and speed up y0ur device -- includes a simple widget that stays 0n y0ur h0me screen f0r kn0wing y0ur current RAM situati0n and aut0matically killing tasks, with an ign0re list t0 ign0re the applicati0ns y0u want t0 keep running.Task Manager m0dule required

* Cache Cleaner and Aut0start manager -- Delete th0se junk files that take up valuable st0rage space.Task Manager m0dule required.

* R00t Expl0rer -- the ultimate set 0f file management t00ls f0r r00t users. Pr0vides access t0 the entire file system and all data direct0ries, and all0ws the user t0 change permissi0ns.

* Devel0pers can visit 0ur website f0r the devel0per interface f0r picking files fr0m y0ur applicati0ns, emailing attachments, etc.

* M0re features t0 c0me

We’re w0rking t0 create the best file manager 0n Andr0id, s0 plz d0 n0t hesitate t0 C0NTACT US with y0ur c0mments, suggesti0ns, issues.

0ther Vide0:

  1. *Add Permission:CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE for Android 5.0
  2. *Icon res for tablet
  3. *Update Dropbox
  4. ...
  5. FAQ
  6. Error -24 cant update?
  7. -Google Play issue. Clear data/data/ root)
  8. Cannot write on ext-sdcard in Kitkat(4.4)
  9. -System limitation. Root or update to Android 5.0
  10. V3.0~V3.2.3
  11. Homepage;En/Decrypt;Zip/UnZip;Saveto;Thumbnail;Web Search;OTG;Recycle Bin;Batch Rename;GIF;Open As;Task Manager;Playlist;
  12. WiFi Send;Gesture;Theme;Root Explorer;Chromecast;Support Lollipop..
DISCLAIMER: ES File Explorer is the property and trademark from the developer ES APP Group, All rights reserved by ES APP Group.

ES File Explorer Game Trailer
ES File Explorer Walpaper
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 Download ES File Explorer APK
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