Friday, February 6, 2015

Download Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 APK

Download Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 APK
Download Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 APK, Charge int0 battle 0n distant planets, and lead y0ur tr00ps t0 vict0ry in this acti0n-packed, c0mbat strategy game! Build a base, recruit an unst0ppable f0rce, and challenge players acr0ss the Star Wars universe in Star Wars™: Commander!

During a time 0f Galactic Civil War, c0mpeting f0rces need allies f0r their cause. The Rebelli0n rallies f0r justice and freed0m, while the Empire seeks c0ntr0l 0f the galaxy. Where d0es y0ur allegiance lie? Will y0u side with the Empire’s strength and relentlessness, 0r the Rebelli0n’s her0ism and res0urcefulness? The ch0ice is y0urs!

Rise thr0ugh the ranks as a p0werful battlefield c0mmander in this exciting game 0f strategy and c0mpetitive galactic c0mbat!
Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 Features:
• Ch00se y0ur side: Will y0u c0mmand AT-ATs and TIE Fighters as the Empire? 0r call 0n ic0nic her0es like Han S0l0 and Princess Leia as the Rebelli0n?
• Build and defend y0ur base: Train unique tr00ps specific t0 each facti0n, and f0rtify y0ur base with deflect0r shields, turrets, heavy artillery, and 0ther defenses!
• Lead epic battles: Strategically depl0y p0werful armies, units, and vehicles against enemies and players ar0und the galaxy!
• F0rm the ultimate Squad: Build str0ng alliances with friends and 0ther players!
• Travel t0 multiple planets and c0mplete special missi0ns: Play an all-new st0ry as a valiant leader 0n the fr0nt lines 0f the Galactic Civil War.
• Upgrade y0ur strike team and its defenses: Strengthen y0ur f0rces with multiple levels 0f upgrades f0r each unit!
• D0wnl0ad n0w and play in y0ur ch0ice 0f English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, K0rean, P0rtuguese, and Spanish!

Invade enemy territ0ry and establish an impenetrable base as y0u j0in the battle f0r d0minance!

Star Wars: Commander requires Andr0id 0S 2.3.3 0r ab0ve and supp0rts b0th tablets and ph0nes.

Bef0re y0u d0wnl0ad this experience, please c0nsider that this app c0ntains s0cial media links t0 c0nnect with 0thers, in-app purchases that c0st real m0ney, push n0tificati0ns t0 let y0u kn0w when we have exciting updates like new c0ntent, as well as advertising f0r The Walt Disney Family 0f C0mpanies and s0me third parties. In app purchases available fr0m $1.99-$99.99. We respect y0ur wishes regarding y0ur Privacy. Y0u can exercise c0ntr0l and ch0ice by resetting y0ur Advertising Identifier in y0ur device’s Privacy Settings.

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What's New in Star Wars: Commander v2.4.4
• Now Available: Traps! Trigger Starship Strikes when enemies approach using your choice of X-Wings and Y-Wings (Rebel) or TIE Fighters and TIE Bombers (Empire)
• Consort with Jabba and his associates on Tatooine by safeguarding and trading Contraband
• Guard your base with the new Droideka Sentinel, which targets attackers ruthlessly both in defensive and offensive battles!
• Squad invitations and chat improvements
DISCLAIMER: Star Wars: Commander is the property and trademark from the developer Disney, All rights reserved by Disney.
Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 Video Trailer
Star Wars: Commander 2.4.4 Walpaper

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