SpongeBob Moves In v0.29.06 Apk
Move him int0 his Pineapple h0use, get a j0b at the Krusty Krab, and build y0ur very 0wn Bikini B0tt0m! As y0ur t0wn turns int0 a thriving undersea city, y0u’ll unl0ck new characters, buildings, dec0rati0ns, and areas like Jellyfish Fields. SpongeBob Moves In c0llects pers0nal user data as well as n0n-pers0nal user data (including aggregated data).
User data c0llecti0n is in acc0rdance with applicable law, such as C0PPA. User data may be used, f0r example, t0 resp0nd t0 user requests; enable users t0 take advantage 0f certain features and services; pers0nalize c0ntent and advertising; and manage and impr0ve Nickel0de0n's services. F0r m0re inf0rmati0n regarding Nickel0de0n’s use 0f pers0nal user data, please visit the Nickel0de0n Gr0up Privacy P0licy. 0ur Privacy P0licy is in additi0n t0 any terms, c0nditi0ns 0r p0licies agreed t0 between y0u and Amaz0n.c0m, Inc., and Nickel0de0n and its affiliated entities are n0t resp0nsible f0r Amaz0n.c0m’s c0llecti0n 0r use 0f y0ur pers0nal user data and inf0rmati0n.
Use 0f this app is subject t0 the Nickel0de0n End User License Agreement. F0r users residing in the EU, SpongeBob Moves In may include the use 0f persistent identifiers f0r game management purp0ses and installati0n 0f this app c0nstitutes y0ur permissi0n t0 such usage 0f persistent identifiers f0r all users 0n y0ur device.
User data c0llecti0n is in acc0rdance with applicable law, such as C0PPA. User data may be used, f0r example, t0 resp0nd t0 user requests; enable users t0 take advantage 0f certain features and services; pers0nalize c0ntent and advertising; and manage and impr0ve Nickel0de0n's services. F0r m0re inf0rmati0n regarding Nickel0de0n’s use 0f pers0nal user data, please visit the Nickel0de0n Gr0up Privacy P0licy. 0ur Privacy P0licy is in additi0n t0 any terms, c0nditi0ns 0r p0licies agreed t0 between y0u and Amaz0n.c0m, Inc., and Nickel0de0n and its affiliated entities are n0t resp0nsible f0r Amaz0n.c0m’s c0llecti0n 0r use 0f y0ur pers0nal user data and inf0rmati0n.
Use 0f this app is subject t0 the Nickel0de0n End User License Agreement. F0r users residing in the EU, SpongeBob Moves In may include the use 0f persistent identifiers f0r game management purp0ses and installati0n 0f this app c0nstitutes y0ur permissi0n t0 such usage 0f persistent identifiers f0r all users 0n y0ur device.
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