Thursday, December 26, 2013

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK
Five years ago, Carl Johnson escaped fr0m the pressures 0f life in L0s Sant0s, San Andreas, a city tearing itself apart with gang tr0uble, drugs and c0rrupti0n. Where filmstars and milli0naires d0 their best t0 av0id the dealers and gangbangers.
N0w, it’s the early 90’s. Carl’s g0t t0 g0 h0me. His m0ther has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childh00d friends are all heading t0wards disaster.
0n his return t0 the neighb0rh00d, a c0uple 0f c0rrupt c0ps frame him f0r h0micide. CJ is f0rced 0n a j0urney that takes him acr0ss the entire state 0f San Andreas, t0 save his family and t0 take c0ntr0l 0f the streets.
R0ckstar Games brings its biggest release t0 m0bile yet with a vast 0pen-w0rld c0vering the state 0f San Andreas and its three maj0r cities – L0s Sant0s, San Fierr0 and Las Venturas – with enhanced visual fidelity and 0ver 70 h0urs 0f gameplay.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features: 
• Remastered, high-res0luti0n graphics built specifically f0r mobile including lighting enhancements, an enriched c0l0r palette and impr0ved character m0dels. 
• Cl0ud save supp0rt f0r playing acr0ss all y0ur mobile devices f0r R0ckstar S0cial Club Members.
• Dual anal0g stick c0ntr0ls f0r full camera and m0vement c0ntr0l.
• Three different c0ntr0l schemes and cust0mizable c0ntr0ls with c0ntextual 0pti0ns t0 display butt0ns 0nly when y0u need them.
• C0mpatible with the M0Ga Wireless Game C0ntr0llers and select Bluet00th and USB gamepads.
• Integrated with Immersi0n tactile effects.  
• Tail0r y0ur visual experience with adjustable graphic settings.
Languages Supp0rted: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese.
F0r 0ptimal perf0rmance, we rec0mmend re-b00ting y0ur device after d0wnl0ading and cl0sing 0ther applicati0ns when playing Grand Theft Aut0: San Andreas.
F0r inf0rmati0n ab0ut supp0rted devices and c0mpatibility, please see:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK

Download Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.03 APK
Google Play
Download Apk Here
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