Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK

Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK
Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK , Battery Doctor is a FREE battery saving app that can extend y0ur battery life up t0 50% by finding apps and settings that drain p0wer 0n y0ur device. J0in 330+ milli0n users 0n Andr0id and i0S wh0 have seen the benefits!

Pr0fessi0nal, easy t0 use and supp0rting 27 languages, Battery Doctor by Cheetah M0bile (f0rmerly kn0wn as KS M0bile) gives a l0nger life t0 y0ur Andr0id ph0ne , pr0vides y0u with detailed battery inf0rmati0n and helps it charge healthily with 0ur unique 3 Stage Charging system. Enj0y an incredible p0wer saving experience that's as g00d as Pr0ject V0lta, even bef0re Andr0id L c0mes 0ut.

Defend y0ur Juice!
Find 0ut what’s draining y0ur p0wer. Adjust y0ur draining settings (e.g. brightness) and disable unnecessary apps that drain y0ur battery.

Accurately Estimates Remaining Battery Time
Tells h0w l0ng battery will last under a variety 0f situati0ns (playing games, wifi 0n 0r 0ff, etc)

Pr0fessi0nal Charging
Battery Doctor regulates the manner in which y0ur device is charged with a Unique 3 Stage Charging system t0 ensure y0u get the m0st 0ut 0f y0ur battery and reminds y0u n0t t0 0ver charge. It als0 has features that can m0nit0r and regulate p0wer c0nsumpti0n.

Widget Included
0ur "Task Killer" widget will 0ptimize y0ur p0wer c0nsumpti0n c0nveniently. The 4x1 widget makes it easier t0 manage Wifi, Data, Brightness, etc, and set p0wer saving m0des.

Battery Doctor Key Features
- Disable unnecessary apps that drain y0ur battery!
- Task Killer kills tasks with 0ne click!
- Kill apps when screen is 0ff!
- Accurate battery remaining time!
- Accurate charging remaining time!
- Schedule p0wer saving m0des f0r w0rk/class/sleep and m0re!
- Unique 3 Stage Charging system!
- Wifi/Data/Bluet00th t0ggle!
- Brightness c0ntr0l!
- CPU Management (f0r r00ted ph0nes)!
- Battery temperature!
- Charging Tips!
- 15 languages supp0rted!
- Simple easy-t0-use interface!

Battery Doctor fans, please j0in 0ur beta testing gr0up. Be the first t0 try 0ur recent updates, rep0rt bugs, and c0ntact devel0pers.


Q: Can Battery Doctor save p0wer and extend battery life?
A: Yes!
Tap the circle at the h0me screen (Save P0wer) t0 kill p0wer h0g apps that are n0t currently in use t0 impr0ve battery life.
Run 0ur app while charging t0 let Battery Doctor manage the pr0cess with its Unique 3 Stage Charging system that ensures a l0nger battery life.
Use the "Task Killer" widget t0 0ptimize y0ur p0wer c0nsumpti0n c0nveniently

Q: What is a full charge and why d0es it matter?
A: Plug in y0ur ph0ne when the battery has ab0ut 20% remaining and c0ntinue t0 charge until Battery Doctor tells y0u the 3rd stage 0f trickle charging is c0mplete. D0 n0t 0vercharge by keeping y0ur device plugged in n0r undercharge by charging in sh0rt bursts whenever c0nvenient.

Q: H0w d0es "Saving M0de" w0rk?
A: "Saving M0de" is an extreme setting that shuts d0wn all n0n-essential functi0ns 0f y0ur ph0ne with excepti0n 0f making ph0ne calls and sending/receiving text messages. WiFi, Data, GPS, etc will all be shut d0wn t0 ensure battery life and defend y0ur juice.

Q: H0w d0 I set up the widgets?
A: The "Task Killer" widget will aut0matically appear 0n y0ur h0me screen with installati0n. The 0ther widget that m0nit0rs WiFi/GPS/etc can be installed just as any 0ther widget 0n y0ur device w0uld be set up.

0ther CM apps:
Clean Master:

CM Br0wser :

What's New in Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) v4.18

1. Brand new wallpaper, boost charging speeds by up to 20%! Try it now!
2. 2015's #1 Battery saver, solve battery problems in one tap
3. Various bugs fixed
DISCLAIMER: Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) is the property and trademark from the developer Cheetah Mobile, All rights reserved by Cheetah Mobile.
Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) v4.18  Video Trailer
 Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) v4.18Walpaper
Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK 1Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK 2
Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK 3Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK 4
Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK 5
Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) 4.18 APK
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